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Saturday, 29 November 2008

Fat Burning Foods

Weight Loss Diet
Fat Burning Foods

Each one of the following foods is clinically proven to promote weight loss. These foods go a step beyond simply adding no fat to your system – they possess special
properties that add zip to your system and help your body melt away unhealthy pounds. These incredible foods can suppress your appetite for junk food and keep your body running smoothly with clean fuel and efficient energy.

You can include these foods in any sensible weight-loss plan. They give your body the extra metabolic kick that it needs to shave off weight quickly.

A sensible weight loss plan calls for no fewer that 1,200 calories per day. But Dr. Charles Klein recommends consuming more that that, if you can believe it –1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. He says you will still lose weight quite effectively at that intake level without endangering your health

Hunger is satisfied more completely by filling the stomach. Ounce for ounce, the foods listed below accomplish that better than any others. At the same time,
they’re rich in nutrients and possess special fat-melting talents.

1. Apples

These marvels of nature deserve their reputation for keeping the doctor away when you eat one a day. And now, it seems, they can help you melt the fat away, too.

First of all, they elevate your blood glucose (sugar) levels in a safe, gentle manner and keep them up longer than most foods. The practical effect of this is to leave you feeling satisfied longer, say researchers.

Secondly, they’re one of the richest sources of soluble fiber in the supermarket. This type of fiber prevents hunger pangs by guarding against dangerous swings or drops in your blood sugar level, says Dr. James Anderson of the University of Kentucky’s School of Medicine.

An average size apple provides only 81 calories and has no sodium, saturated fat or cholesterol. You’ll also get the added health benefits of lowering the level of cholesterol already in your blood as well as lowering your blood pressure.

2. Coffee

Easy does it is the password here. We’ve all heard about potential dangers of caffeine – including anxiety and insomnia – so moderation is the key.

The caffeine in coffee can speed up the metabolism. In nutritional circles, it’s known as a metabolic enhancer, according to Dr. Judith Stern of the University of California at Davis.

This makes sense, since caffeine is a stimulant. Studies show it can help you burn more calories than normal, perhaps up to 10 percent more. For safety’s sake, it’s best to limit your intake to a single cup in the morning and one in the afternoon. Add only skim milk to tit and try doing without sugar – many people learn to love it that way.

3. Grapefruit

There’s good reason for this traditional diet food to be a regular part of your diet. It helps dissolve fat and cholesterol, according to Dr. James Cerd of the University of Florida. An average sized grapefruit has 74 calories, delivers a whopping 15 grams of pectin (the special fiber linked to lowering cholesterol and fat), is high in vitamin C and potassium and is free of fat and sodium.

It’s rich in natural galacturonic acid, which adds to its potency as a fat and
fighter. The additional benefit here is assistance in the battle againstatherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and the development of heart disease. Try sprinkling it with cinnamon rather than sugar to take away some of the tart taste.

4. Mustard

Try the hot, spicy kind you find in Asian import stores, specialty shops and exotic groceries. Dr. Jaya Henry of Oxford Polytechnic Institute in England, found that the amount of hot mustard normally called for in Mexican, Indian and Asian recipes, about one teaspoon, temporarily speeds up the metabolism, just as caffeine and the drug ephedrine do.

“But mustard is natural and totally safe,” Henry says. “It can be used every day, and it really works. I was shocked to discover it can speed up the metabolism by as much as 20 to 25 percent for several hours.” This can result in the body burning an extra 45 calories for every 700 consumed, Dr. Henry says.

5. Soups

Soup is good for you! Maybe not the canned varieties from the store – but old-fashioned, homemade soup promotes weight loss. A study by Dr. John Foreyt of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, found that dieters who ate a bowl of soup before lunch and dinner lost more weight than dieters who didn’t. In fact, the more soup they ate, the more weight they lost. And soup eaters tend to keep the weight off longer.

Naturally, the type of soup you eat makes a difference. Cream soups or those made of beef or pork are not your best bets. But here’s a great recipe:

Slice three large onions, three carrots, four stalks of celery, one zucchini and one yellow squash. Place in a kettle. Add three cans crushed tomatoes, two packets low-sodium chicken bouillon, three cans water and one cup white wine (optional). Add tarragon, basil, oregano, thyme and garlic powder. Boil, then simmer for an hour. Serves six.

6. Spinach

Popeye really knew what he was talking about, according to Dr. Richard Shekelle, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas. Spinach has the ability to lower cholesterol, rev up the metabolism and burn away fat. Rich in iron, beta carotene and vitamins C and E, it supplies most of the nutrients you need.

7. Tofu

You just can’t say enough about this health food from Asia. Also called soybean curd, it’s basically tasteless, so any spice or flavoring you add blends with it nicely. A 2½ ” square has 86 calories and nine grams of protein. (Experts suggest an intake of about 40 grams per day.) Tofu contains calcium and iron, almost no sodium and not a bit of saturated fat. It makes your metabolism run on high and even lowers cholesterol. With different varieties available, the firmer tofus are goof for stir-frying or adding to soups and sauces while the softer ones are good for mashing, chopping and adding to salads.

Differences Between Men and Women

Differences Between Men and Women

WHEN it comes to the physical make-up of men versus women, many differences are obvious. Men, on average, are 10–15% larger than women, weigh 20% more, and are 30% stronger (especially when considering upper body strength).
Testosterone is one of the major hormones active in men’s bodies. Testosterone stimulates muscle enlargement and bone growth and also raises the level of red blood cells in a man’s blood stream. Men also produce more HGH (human growth

What you may not know, however, is that all of these factors combine to make oxygen much more available to a man’s cells than a woman’s cells. That means a man could be working at 50% of his capacity during physical activity, but a woman would need to work at 70% of her capacity to keep up. It’s not as easy for her cells to absorb oxygen.

This is due partly because women have a smaller percentage of lean tissue (muscle, organs, etc.) and a much higher percentage of body fat. Though this is detrimental in a short sprint, a higher percentage of fat means that women can power their cells longer from their body’s reserves without stopping to eat or drink in order to refuel. This may translate into greater endurance. Studies comparing men and women in running, swimming, and speed skating have shown that the differences in time versus distance decreased between men and
women as the length of the event progressed.

Hundreds of studies have showed some interesting differences between men and women in nearly every area. Looking through the research, you would discover all kinds of facts such as how much more likely women are to wear a seatbelt than men (two times more likely), to how often they are the sexual initiators in
a monogamous relationship (65% of the time).

As interesting as those facts may be, let’s concentrate on the differences between men and women that affect women’s physical fitness. These differences are primarily found in the functioning of a woman’s hormones and the construction and function of her fat cells. These two factors influence everything from the way a woman’s metabolism functions to how likely she is to suffer from stubborn fat and other health-related diseases such as osteoporosis.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Weight Loss Basics

Weight Loss Advices
Weight Loss Basics

Although there are an ever-growing number of diet books, plans and groups, many people just want to achieve weight loss by sensible healthy eating, rather than following a particular fad or fashion. But where to start your weight loss program? Well, the most basic and probably one of the best guides that you have, is your own common sense.

Most dieters these days have already amassed enough information about what is and isn't good for weight loss, to be able to decide whether or not a particular food is healthy, or is likely to help, hinder or otherwise affect their diet.

Very often it all comes down to a matter of balance. You know that there are certain things that, unless you have particular medical problems, are generally thought to be good foods that can help you to be healthier and lose those extra pounds.

Most dieticians would agree that eating good portions of fresh fruit and vegetables every day is going to be good for you. Also unless you are on a low carb weight loss diet wholegrain foods such as pasta, whole grain bread and rice are usually accepted as being beneficial, both generally and for weight loss.

These days drinking is also very much in focus for those who wish to achieve both weight loss and a benefit to their health. It is generally thought that too much alcohol is not a good and may bring about a variety of health problems, although small amounts may not be a bad thing.

Water, especially spring water, is thought by many nutritionists to be very beneficial to the health and there are some who say that it can also be helpful to those who are concerned about weight loss. Some encourage drinking water before meals as this can take the edge from the hunger and will let the dieter have smaller meals without feeling as though they haven’t had enough.

Lean meat and fish and also the occasional portion of oily fish such as salmon, are another group of foods that are usually thought to be beneficial to weight loss and general health. And also seeds, pulses and many dieticians recommend nuts as being beneficial.

There are, of course, many foods that are not generally recommended bydieticians as be effective for weight loss, such as refined sugar products and many fried and especially deep fried foods, such as French Fries. Although a certain amount of olive oil is recommended by many health professionals.

It is of course not just the food that you eat, but the way that you eat it that is thought to have an effect both on your health and your weight loss. Many people skip breakfast but many health professionals believe that this is not a good way, to either start the day, or to achieve any kind of weight loss benefit.

Generally it is a matter of good sense and a reasonable knowledge of what foods are good and should be eaten daily and what are not so good and should be eaten only occasionally. Despite having the ability to work out their own diet many still buy the many diet books that are on offer to have a specific plan to work to.

Some find that it helps to have it written down so that they know whether to eat a particular food or not. But if you want to there is no reason why you should not be able to decide on a good diet and healthy weight loss plan, although it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before you start a new diet.

Strip That Fat

Tired of the Endless Loop of

Yo-Yo Diets? Here is Why

Your Last Diet Didn’t Work

"Strip That Fat and End The Vicious Cycle Once and For All"

Hey there frustrated dieter!

If you are like most, you are getting tired of endless dieting regimes with little or no results. The average person spends a great deal of time and money dieting throughout their lives, but for what? MOST DIETS SIMPLY DO NOT WORK!

This is not fair to you! You deserve to lose weight and we are about to reveal a diet that will lead you to the body, health, and happiness that you have be looking for.

You deserve to strip any unwanted fat from your body and look and feel the way you have always wanted. The name of our system is Strip That Fat, because that is exactly what happens when you use it. You can strip any unwanted fat from your body which will actually help your body and organs function better. It will also help you regain the healthy glow and that happiness back into your life. Less fat will give you more energy, a more clear mind, and actually increase happiness!

Before we go any further, we want to let you know that our goal is NOT to belittle you, rather guide and support your weight loss. If we get a little harsh along the way, please understand that your health is in our best interest. Sometimes it takes the harsh truth and the “facts” to get this through.

We want to help you. The reason Strip That Fat is the top dieting programs available online is because we are actually helping people like yourself lose weight. Fair enough?

Alright, let’s go…

Dieting Myth’s YOU Are STILL Falling For…

There are so many dieting myths and even more programs out there that give you inaccurate information on how to lose weight.


Eating Low Carbs

You have probably tried low-carb, Atkins-style diets, or at least heard of them. These diets do not work. They are much too strict, not sustainable, and make your life miserable as your body does not function properly without carbs causing headaches, irritability and loss of sleep. Low carb diets will actually cause you to gain weight after the initial weight loss.

Low Fat Diets

You know all these so called “low fat” foods that are sold in your local supermarket? These foods are typically calorie ridden and will actually make you gain more weight! This is just one of the fallacies that we will uncover for you! Low fat foods DO NOT equal weight loss.

Starvation Diet

Your Body requires food to function. Losing weight the wrong way by not eating is actually worse for you than gaining weight. If you think that following diets that tell you to eat very little, drink only liquids, or something else that seems “crazy”, don’t do it. It will affect the way your brain functions and slow your metabolism down to a GRINDING HALT! You CANNOT lose weight and stay healthy by starving yourself of nutrition.

Following Pre-package Diet Programs

These foods are worse for you than foods you can make from your own home. Not only that, pre-packaged food diets (like Jenny Craig) can cost you up to $500 per month to maintain! That is more than most families spend on groceries in an entire month. How does this make sense?

Hollywood Diets

The only diet that seems popular in Hollywood is the one where the actors and actresses forget to eat. There are also the ridiculous “cookie” diets, secret potion “syrup and water’ diets... Let’s get real, these people are not like us and they do not need the nutrition that a normal person needs to maintain a healthy weight.

So, if all of these diets don't work, what does it take to strip unwanted fat from your body?

...And Why the Heck Are YOU Still Overweight?

Do YOU eat the wrong foods?
Do YOU sneak into McDonalds for a late night meal?
Do YOU eat during the wrong times of the day?
Do YOU eat empty calories while watching your favorite TV Show?
How about exercise, do YOU forget to walk your dog?

Notice that 4 of the items were related to food and only one was exercise. This is because diet is 80% of the battle, and exercise is only 20%. Most overweight people get enough exercise, but what they “eat” prevents them from getting that fit, healthy waistline!

The food you eat will either make you lose weight or gain weight. Conventional wisdom has always told us to eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, however there is more to it than this…and actually eating 3 big meals per day is not good for our body.

What if we told you that you could burn more calories and have a better metabolism simply by eating more often? How do 5 meals a day sound?

Well, this is the truth. If you eat smaller meals and eat the right foods, you can actually eat more and lose more weight! Sounds strange, but our bodies are very complex and if you understand your body, you can truly manipulate your metabolism for speedy and sustainable weight loss!

Are You Tired of Battling With Those Troublesome, Impossible-to-Get-Rid-Of FATS?

Fat loves to make its home in the worst possible places on your body. No one ever asked for fat to be stored in the gut, hips, lower back, or thighs!

The fortunate thing for you is that weight loss is possible in all of these areas. In fact, did you know that it is possible to lose up to 2lbs of fat every week? We're not talking about only 2 pounds when you step on the scale, we're talking about 100% FAT, and 2 pounds of it!


We don’t want to disgust you, but this is a real picture of what 2lbs of fat looks like. Wouldn’t it be nice to remove these yellow fat deposits from around your body?

There is a simple math equation we outline within the Strip That Fat guide that shows you how to drop this amount of weight (and ANYONE can do it).

So, get ready to send that stomach, thigh, hip fat & cellulite packing, because this fat will be moving out when you start with the STF Weight Loss package!

The World Has Become SICKLY Obese & at the Fastest Pace Ever!

You may not be obese, but you are likely part of the overweight category. 70% of the entire country of the United States of America is overweight…this is over 210,000,000 people (Yes, 210 Million). The rest of the world is fairly close, coming in at around 60% of people being overweight.

This number is only continuing to grow as people are not just eating more, but eating more of the wrong foods. People also are not exercising. When exercise is done, the wrong muscles are worked rather than targeting the muscles that will boost the bodies metabolism and literally strip away fat and cellulite.

Did you know that you can actually lose more weight simply by eating the right metabolism burning foods? There are even certain exercises that will make your body burn more calories while you are resting (and even sleeping)!

This is all possible and is just a few of the things we teach within Strip That Fat!

So, if this many people are overweight in the world, why isn’t everyone at least trying to lose weight?

Well, that is the problem. You, like most people have tried one, two (or maybe even more) diets before. Most diets simply do not work because they are burst diets. They help you lose a few pounds in a couple of weeks…and then BAM, the weight comes back on.

Most of the weight you lose on “burst” diets like this is water weight. Water is easily removed and easily reintroduced to the body…and you can fluctuate 10lbs in a couple of weeks just by losing some water weight! This is not sustainable and this is why the Strip That Fat system makes more sense. It is long term, helps you lose fat (instead of water) and is sustainable.

Here is a chart comparing weight loss achievements between “burst” diets and the Strip That Fat diet.

Most diets actually make you gain weight after your initial weight loss. These diets cannot be done over the course of several months like Strip That Fat and do not lead to nearly the same amount of weight loss.

With the Strip That Fat diet you can lose up to 2lbs of PURE FAT every week and you will be provided with solutions for both short term and long term weight loss!

Your Strip That Fat Body 2 Weeks From Now…

Two weeks isn’t much time at all, we know this, but you can experience big results in a short time with the STF Diet Generator. This creates diets on the fly and allows over 40,000 different diet combinations that you can choose from. You only have to eat the foods you like and you are not restricted as to how much you eat (like most diets).

Two weeks from now you can lose inches around your waist, look and feel better and drop up to 10lbs in overall weight. You will regain some of that glow and feel much more confident just after a couple short weeks.

2 Weeks from Today = The Start of a New YOU

Your Strip That Fat Body 1 Year From Now…

The sky is the limit. You will have learned all the weight loss secrets you need to know to enjoy long term and consistent weight loss. One year from now you will have lost a substantial amount of weight (50+ pounds) and achieved some goals that you never thought possible.

Can you imagine yourself at your ideal weight just a short year from now? It is possible as you will have access to all the dieting & exercise knowledge you need to know, including a Diet Generator that can be used over and over.

1 Year from Today = A New YOU

A few important things that you need to know about today’s date!

  • If you do not start this moment, you will continue gaining weight.
  • Today you will start losing weight…starting with your very next meal!
  • Today marks the day where you kiss fat goodbye and you say “HELLO” to a healthy new body and lifestyle
  • Today you will start stripping fat away from all the troublesome areas of your body. No more tummy fat, back fat, thigh fat or hip fat!
  • Today is the day you stop lying to your body and giving it a false sense of hope with your fad diets. It is time to use a diet that actually works and treat your body the way it has always wanted to be treated.
Losing weight has never been more possible. It is in your hands now, so do yourself a favor, join Strip That Fat and start losing those stubborn pounds right away.

Losing Weight Can be Fun!

WE have invented a revolutionary new diet system and eating program that will make you lose weight WITHOUT restricting your diet to “low fat” or “low carb” foods, rather eating the right calories.

You actually get to eat more and lose more with Strip that Fat!

You need to exercise, but most of you do enough exercise already to be losing weight, you just have not been told about the proper techniques (which we release in full details within this system).

Another cool thing is that we are going to teach you which exercise you can do to actually increase your metabolism, and increase the calories you burn while you are resting!

What if it was finally possible to notice results within the next 7 days!

That’s right, 7 days from now you will have lost inches and have started down your path to losing weight.

And, 14 days from now, you will look and feel different. Strip that Fat is going to shed pounds like no other diet you have been apart of or associated with.

This diet is going to allow you to start seeing results in mere days.


We are tired of people coming to us saying that they have tried this diet and that diet only to gain every pound, inch and unhealthy lifestyle back into their life. It DOES NOT HAVE TO be this way.

With the Strip That Fat revolutionary diet system, we are going to show you some things that may truly surprise you and some things that the big money dieting companies probably don’t want us to release (just because we are telling people the truth).

We Are Going to Show You:

  • Why Eating Fat is actually good for you
  • Exactly Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work
  • What to Eat and When to Eat for Maximum Weight Loss
  • How to Manipulate and Control Your Body to Become a Weight Loss Machine
  • How You Can Eat More and Lose More
  • How to Trick Your Body Into Being “Full”
  • Why We Recommend You Add Breakfast Back to Your Diet
  • How to Lose Weight While Eating Out
  • The “Secrets” About Water
  • 4 Things That Will Help You Propel Your Weight Loss
  • Proper Portion Control
  • How to Teach Your Body to Burn More Calories
  • A Muscle That You Can Build to Blast Weight Loss
  • Why You Shouldn’t Eat Salad
  • How to Train Your Mind For Long Term Weight Loss
  • How to Drop Inches in the Next 7 Days
  • How to Drop 14lbs in 14 Days
  • Simple Steps to Removing Your Marshmallow Shape
  • The Evil 10 – 10 Foods You Need to “Dump”
  • The Power 10 – 10 Foods You Need to “Love”
  • Why “Biggest Loser’s” Lose Massive Amounts of Weight

You can lose weight, and the whole reason why are you on this site, is because you know you want to lose weight! You want to be slimmer, have a thinner waistline, and remove the extra fat deposits in your stomach. You want to feel and look better and live a healthier lifestyle don’t you?

That is where we come in with our helping hand, Strip That Fat dieting system, and our acclaimed Diet Generator.

A complete dummy could take what we show you and click a few buttons in our STF Diet Generator and lose weight. We are not calling you a dummy, just telling you that ANYONE can use this system to shed pounds, and shed these “cheeky” pounds for good.

Strip That Fat is going to let you in on the dieting techniques that work, and tell you to avoid dieting techniques that are both unhealthy and counterproductive. These are things that you really need to know if you want to lose weight!



Yes, we all do it! People put dieting off. It is way too easy to wait until next week or tomorrow to start your diet. Don’t fall into this trap!

Don’t put things off. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start dieting. Don’t wait for it to get sunny outside or for a wedding invite to start losing weight. Don’t even wait 'tll later tonight to start (after you scarf down that Pizza!) Right NOW is just as good of a time as any and you could be starting this as quickly as your next snack or meal!

So here is exactly what you will get when you sign-up. You will get full access to the following systems:

(1) Strip That Fat Secret Dieting Guide

This guide downloads instantly to your computer. It contains all the information and dieting strategies you will ever need to lose as much weight as you want…and keep it off. This is the considered the “flagship” of the Strip That Fat program.

(2) STF Diet Generator

You choose the foods that you want to eat, plug it into the system and your diet will be created for you. This tool includes both a printable shopping list and a printable diet outline. You can create as many “completely unique” diets as you want with this amazing software!

(3) Future Updates

We improve and add new features to our diet and Diet Generator software all the time. We also offer bonuses (for those of you that like free gifts) every once in awhile as well. You get access to package updates when you purchase the Strip That Fat System!

So here is the deal, if you sign-up today we are going to give you a rockin’ deal!. We are going to give you 52% off our original price (usually $99), just because we think you deserve to finally lose the weight that you have always wanted to. The more people we can help, the better!

We have two options for you to choose from. You can either get our gold package which is really awesome as we have outlined below, or you can select our platinum package which includes a lot more for just a few extra bucks.

To see full page about this amazing product and know if you in dangerous or no Click Here

Quick weight loss workout to help YOU Lose 15 pounds fast

Weight Loss Video

Quick weight loss workout to

help YOU Lose 15 pounds fast


Lose 10 Pounds in 20 Minutes

Weight Loss Video

Lose 10 Pounds in 20 Minutes


Fast Weight Loss

Weight Loss Video

Fast Weight Loss



Weight Loss Video



Weight Loss The Atkins Diet

Weight Loss Diet
Weight Loss The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is a modern weight loss phenomenon. Founded by Dr Robert Atkins, 1930-2003, it was first published as a diet book, “Dr Atkins Diet Revolution” in 1972. This was followed by a series of books on the subject. There were worries about the safety of the diet and although it dwindled in status, it became popular again in the 1990’s.

The popularity of Atkins as the ultimate fast weight loss system was helped by the rise of the celebrity fascination and the fact that many celebrities that had shown fast weight loss, attributed this to the Atkins diet. The diet became very popular, with some hotels and restaurants offering special menus for followers.

The Atkins weight loss system is based on the diet being restricted in its intake of carbohydrates. These are largely replaced by allowing more fat and meat based products into the diet and this has been one of the main areas where the diet has been criticized as this can affect the balance of food groups that are eaten.

Many health experts contend that it is not good for the body to have a restricted level of carbohydrates in the diet and that this is also not the best way to achieveweight loss. However those in favor of Atkins point to sudden and dramatic weight loss that, so long as you follow the principles, it is possible to maintain.

If you reduce your daily carbohydrates to less than 40 grams, (some Atkins texts suggest this should be no more than 20 grams), then you will be subject to a state known as ketosis. This means that instead of using sugar from carbohydrates as fuel, the body will instead to use fat.

Some dieticians believe that this is not a good way to diet and that some of the material that is used as energy, is normal tissue rather than fat. Some also think that at least part of the loss is water. Although it has to be said that there are also health professionals that do not have a problem with the Atkins weight loss system.

Part of the problem that some people have with this, as good way to weight loss is that Atkins advises that when the desired results are achieved, then the participant should remain eating a low carbohydrate diet, or they will return to their former weight. Although a gradual increase in the carbohydrates is allowable, it is still low.

One of the main criticisms that is leveled at the Atkins weight loss plan is that it does not contain any carbohydrates and so is unhealthy. This is inaccurate, although the level is low and this is mainly what the diet is based on. Another problem is that, as some fresh vegetables and most fresh fruits contain sugar, that this can restrict your intake of these and so is bad for the general health of
the dieter.

The Atkins weight loss system undoubtedly works if adhered top strictly, as the amount of carbohydrates that are taken from the diet lowers the amount of calories that are eaten and you lose weight. But there are many other effective diets that are based on restricting calories.

When starting any weight loss diet, especially one that is restricting certain food groups such as the Atkins, it is a good idea to see your doctor and get advice as to whether this is the right diet for you and whether it is the best alternative. There may be other weight loss systems that provide a better all round nutrition and yet
still let you lose weight at a reasonable rate.

Weight Watchers A Diet System

Weight Loss Diet
Weight Watchers A Diet System

Nearly everyone who has ever been on a diet, or who has ever read about diets will have heard of Weight Watchers. They have been the most recognizable product in the diet field since the early 1960’s They are not really a diet as such, more a brand that is well known in the weight loss industry as being one of the leading players, in helping others to reach the weight that they want to achieve.

Weight watchers has Probably the largest amount of dieters of any of the weight loss clubs and the fact that they have been established for that amount of time is an indication of their success. They have been estimated to have around 20,000,000 involved in their diet clubs at any one time.

Their success is based not so much on the diets themselves as much as the support system. The diets have been changed over the years to fit with current thinking and best practice, but have generally been based on a calorie-controlled system of weight loss.

They do not offer the guaranteed fast weight loss of some diets, but prefer theslow steady approach, that helps dieters to gradually lose weight through sensible eating and then keep it off. But their diets are not based on a particular focus, such as low fat or carbs, but on having a generally good, low calorie diet.

The Weight Watchers diet is actually fairy simple to follow. They have given all foods a number according to how much they are likely to make you put on weight. Each person has an amount that they can consume in a day according to how much they weigh and their ideal weight loss.

Then they can eat whatever adds up to that number each day. That is a very simple version of the Weight Watchers weight loss system. It is brought together with advice on good diet and how and when to eat and is a very comprehensive system for the helping the dieter, to not only lose weight but also to keep that weight off.

It should also be said that the Weight Watchers diet does lean heavily towards their own products. But for all that it is a very useful and well tried and tested weight loss system.

Weigh Watchers also have a very useful aspect that sets them aside from any of the books you buy, their weight loss meetings. This is the basis of the entire weight watchers system and is fundamental to their success.

The meetings are usually on a weekly basis and are lead by an official Weight Watchers leader. These clubs are a great encouragement to those who like to have some help and support when they are dieting. Although they can also be a little daunting if you haven’t reached your weekly weight target.

If you prefer not to go to the meetings they do have an online version that you can also use if you are not able to get to the meeting that week. They also have a very well populated forum that can be a great help to those who are struggling or those who just like to share how the weight loss is going.

Weight watchers are undoubtedly the brand leaders in the field of diet clubs and products and are very well thought of by many, the only real drawback is that the meetings are obviously much more expensive that just buying a book. But if you like to be part of a group and think that your weight loss would be more successful with this encouragement, then the Weight Watchers clubs may be
worth considering.

The Traffic Light Weight Loss Diet

Weight Loss Diet
The Traffic Light Weight Loss Diet

Many of the weight loss diets that are popular today can be quite complicated to follow and awkward to apply to everyday living. Take the GI diet for instance where you apply different values to foods, based on their glycaemic index number Then you add up the number of these that you are allowed to eat in any one day. This can be extremely difficult when going out, unless you would like to go and ask the chef what is in your meal. And with the Atkins diet you can forget about going for a pizza with your friends.

For many dieters these diets are cumbersome to use in everyday living and can lead to many just giving up and returning to their normal eating habits. The Traffic Light Diet has found a very good way to simplify this. They have devised a straightforward weight loss system that is easy to follow and can be used in most social situations, such as when dining out.

The diet is based on (perhaps unsurprisingly), a traffic light weight loss system for different foods. There is an extensive list that will tell you what the color is for each different food or food group. Although this in itself may at first appear cumbersome and slow,you can pick up the general gist of it very quickly. It doesn't take long to get a good idea, even if you haven’t got the book with you, of what food is in which category.

The idea is that each food is given a color according both to its calorific value and its nutritional value. These are then combined to give you a quick and easy reference to show you which foods to eat more of and which to eat less of. If you follow the instructions carefully then the author believes that the diet will both help you to have a nutritionally sound diet, as well as one that promotes weight

Foods are given a red light include those that are high in calories and fat and also those that are not of any great value nutritive value to the dieter. Foods that are amber are more neutral and can be eaten with a little care and moderation. This can involve such foods as cheese, milk, nuts and lean meats. The green light foods are those that are more helpful for weight loss and can include such foods as low fat milk, vegetables, fruit and white fish.

The idea is really one of moderation. You eat as much of the green foods that are thought to be helpful, less of the amber foods that, although not being as beneficial to weight loss, still have a place in a well balanced diet. But not toomuch of the red foods that are thought to be less beneficial and are generally higher in calories and lower in nutritional value.

When you are familiar with which food fits into which group then you will find that the traffic light weight loss diet is very easy to use and much less complicated than many others. The Traffic Light diet can be an easy way to achieve weight loss for those that are really not interested in the latest fad diet, or in counting calories and keeping track of everything that they eat all day.

It is not an extreme diet but more a way of promoting gentle weight loss that you may be more likely to maintain through sensible eating and learning what foods are good for you and what foods are more likely to make you put on weight.

The High Fiber Diet

Weight Loss Diet
The High Fiber Diet

The high fiber diet is one of the more familiar weight loss diets that still have a good following. This is possibly a more gentle and easy to follow weight loss system than the more extreme diets such as Atkins. Many dieticians and nutritional consultants favor high fiber diets as they are generally considered to be a safe option that can have a positive effect on health.

It is always advisable to check worth your doctor before embarking on any weight loss diet. The high fiber diet has had many fiends and very few critics in the weight loss world and is thought by some to have beneficial effects on health, as well as being a good, reliable way to lose weight.

High fiber weight loss diets generally rely on a combination of increased fiber in the diet, through more consumption of foods such as whole grains and cereals and also restricting the amount of calories in the diet. This approach allows the dieter to promote weight loss through eating less calories while eating normal
amounts of food and so not getting hungry and being tempted to eat foods that are not a part of the diet.

Although fiber does not contain any calories that are available to
the dieter it can be beneficial as it helps you to feel full and not to
always be craving more to eat, when on a calorie controlled diet. It
is often this difficulty that many face when on a restricted weight
loss diet. Also high fiber foods can take longer to chew. Although
this is not directly beneficial to weight loss, it does allow the dieter
to feel as though they have eaten a more substantial meal and it
also makes the meal take longer and this in turn helps.

As well as weight loss, some dieticians believe that high fiber
foods can make a positive contribution good health by helping the
food to move more efficiently through the body. Also many of the
foods that are helpful in a high fiber weight loss diet are very good
nutritionally. Many fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain
large amounts of vitamins and minerals and are thought to be very
good for the health, as well as beneficial to the promotion of
weight loss.

There are two different kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber is found in many foods such as fruits, vegetables,
pulses and beans. Soluble fiber is thought to help in keeping
cholesterol down and to reduce the risk of heart disease, according
to some dieticians.

Insoluble fiber is usually found in whole meal foods such as flour,
grains, rice and pasta. And is thought to help with the passage of
the food through the digestive tract and so to promote good
digestive health.

A high fiber diet an take a little getting used to, although this is
also true with many other weight loss diets, but is easy to follow
and has been established for much longer than many of the diets
that are an ever changing feature of the bookstores. It has many
recommendations from health professionals but it is always a good
idea to consult your doctor before chancing your diet or starting a
new weight loss system.

The Gi Weight Loss Diet

Weight Loss Diet
The Gi Weight Loss Diet

The Gi plan diet certainly seems to be taking off at the moment. Endorsed by an ever-growing band of celebrities it seems that this is the diet of the moment. But how exactly does the GI weight loss program differ from the other diets on the market and what does GI stand for?

The Glycaemic Index weight loss system is based on the fact that some sugar-based carbohydrates affect the glucose levels in the body differently to the more complex starch based carbohydrates. A nutritional expert called Dr. David Jenkins made the claimed discovery, that many sugar-based foods do not greatly affect the sugar levels in the blood, in the early 1980’s.

This means, according to the GI diet, that foods that provide a slow delivery of sugar to the body will be helpful to weight loss, in that it will prevent the dieter from feeling the need for energy and so curb hunger and the need to keep on eating.

By contrast, foods with a high glycaemic index provide a sudden influx of sugar to the body that gives you energy at first, but then leaves you feeling tired and hungry, as the need for more energy kicks in.

This leads to the need for more sugar to get the quick rush of glucose to replace the loss of energy, which in turn has the same effect. This constant need for more sugary food means that weight loss is not likely to be achieved.

There is a plethora of information about the glycaemic values of different foods for weight loss, so there is no problem in ascertaining the value of anything that you wish to include in your weight loss diet. The general concept of the diet is fairly straightforward. You eat more of the foods with a low GI than you do of the foods with a high GI.

This is however not the entirety of the GI weight loss system as it also encourages the dieter to limit their intake of high fat foods, even if they are also low GI foods. This aspect, of course, means that as well as being based on the glycaemic index of a food; the GI diets are also, in part, a low fat diet.

The GI weight loss diet is easy to follow if you are eating standard foods that easily recognizable in the GI indexes. The problem is that many foods have different GI’s depending on whether they are cooked, or the state of ripeness of foods such as fruit.

This can, if you are not experienced with this diet be very time consuming and make the whole thing, not very user friendly. It can be especially difficult when a meal is prepared with many different ingredients, to work out the GI value of the whole meal.

When you have got over this initial hurdle and are used too the different values of foods, then the whole weight loss system starts to be a lot more easy to use. And you need to spend a lot less time looking then up to see if they are within the allowed limits.

The GI weight loss system can be very healthy in that it actively encourages the dieter to eat fruits and complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice and pasta. Many health professionals believe these types of foods may contribute towards a healthier diet. It also discourages the intake of processed foods and also foods that are high in fat, such as fried foods like French fries or chips.

The GI diet can be a very healthy weight loss system and does not require you to give up the foods that you like. Although restrictive it can be a very varied and enjoyable diet as so as you get used to working out the different values of food groups.

South Beach Diet an Overview

Weight Loss Diet
South Beach Diet an Overview

The South Beach weight loss program became very popular in the 1990’s,as a successor to the stringency of the Atkins diet. It was seen by many, as a more healthy and lees obsessive alternative to the low carb regime of Atkins. Although it still encouraged the participant to avoid many cooked and processed carbohydrates. This included many bread pastries and cakes. Also refined carbohydrates such as sugar as in soft drinks and chocolate.

The diet was originated by Dr. Arthur Agatston, an American cardiologist. The system does not follow other diets in a single interpretation of itself as “Low fat or” or “low carb”. It seeks to help the dieter to understand how to eat what is good for them, from both groups of foods so that weight loss can be achieved by eating both “good carbs” and “good fats”.

The diet is in three very distinct sections, and each one has it’s own particular function's, first part is the stricter of the two and is designed both to give a quick start to the weight loss and also to develop the pattern of eating a healthier, more stable diet.

In the first part the dieter is encouraged to eat three proper meals a day. But foods such as many cooked carbohydrates are excluded from this, although good portions of lean meat and fish and plenty of fresh vegetables are recommended. This provides a good start to the diet and also eliminates the problem faced by many weight loss systems, hunger.

The South Beach Diet ensures that you are not plagued by the hunger pangs that ruin so many weight loss aspirations, by making sure that you have three good meals a day. This is one of the reasons that many people succeed on this diet, where they have failed on others. By making sure that you are not hungry in the early phase of the diet, The south Beach Diet gives you a head start and lessens the chance of a failure due to just being too hungry and all the associated lack of enthusiasm that goes with it.

The first part of the South Beach weight loss plan is very limited. Although you will be able to eat three meals a day, the foods that those meals may contain, such as limited carbohydrates reduce the choices available. Part of the thinking behind this is that when the weight loss starts, you will use carbohydrates more efficiently and as such, the need for then will be at a much lower level.

The second part of the South Beach Diet is slightly less restrictive, in that is allows some carbohydrates and other foods that were disallowed in the fist section, back into the diet. It also allows more dairy foods. Many of the foods that were not allowed in the first section (at least the healthy ones) are allowed in the second part.

This is a very good incentive for staying with the program and encourages you towards your weight loss goal, by giving you something to work towards. The second segment is adhered to until you have attained your weight loss target. It is a less strict way of eating, but nevertheless can be effective if followed properly.

The third segment of the diet is put into practice after the weight loss has been achieved, This section is to allow you to ease off, without slipping back to old habits and regaining the weight. It also gives what some believe to be a good basis for normal, healthy everyday eating and may help to eliminate the problem of yo-yo dieting.

One of the topics that The South Beach Diet does not cover is exercise. Many practitioners consider this to be integral to the
notion of weight loss as a route to a healthier lifestyle.

Low Fat Weight Loss Diets

Weight Loss Diet
Low Fat Weight Loss Diets

Not as popular now as the more heavily publicized diets such as Atkins, South Beach and The GI diet, low fat diets still have a great deal to recommend them. Although diets based on lowering the amounts of carbohydrates, recommend the intake of a variety of fatty foods, many dietitians have long been of the opinion that a low fat and high fiber diet is the best combination for weight loss and health.

There have been many diet books covering the low fat weight loss diet, such as the Rosemary Connelly Diet. This maintained that a very low level of fat together with an increased amount of dietary fiber, as in whole meal bread, pasta and brown rice, would aid weight loss and help you to maintain a satisfactory level.

Although a low fat weight loss diet is generally considered to be one of the more sensible diets, you should always consult your doctor before starting a new pattern of eating. One of the easiest ways to start a low fat diet is to cut down on the amount of fried foods that you eat. There are perfectly acceptable alternative ways of cooking most foods that are normally fried. Even French fries can be made in the oven, using very small amounts of fat when compared with deep-frying.

An easy way to get a good start with a low fat weight loss diet is to buy a steamer. This is a very quick and efficient way of cooking foods, with a minimal loss of vitamins and minerals and is of course very low fat. Steaming is a very good way to cook and can replace a deep fat fryer for some cooking, as well as providing a
simple way of cooking many healthy alternatives to bought in convenience meals.

Lowering your intake of butter and margarine is another simple way to lower your intake of fat and help weight loss. You don’t even have to change what you eat. You can make a difference by either spreading the butter or margarine very thinly or just leaving it our altogether.

Reducing fat in your diet does not have to be complicated and there are some very simple things that you can do to make a difference. When cooking meat it is possible to remove some of the fat before you start cooking and if you also grill the meat instead of frying it, you have removed a substantial amount of fat and possibly helped towards your weight loss goals.

Cutting down on eating pastry is a good way to help weight loss. Pastry can contain a large amount of fat, so just by choosing a lower fat alternative you can make a difference to your chances of reaching your target.

There are some fats that many dieticians believe are good for you, such as olive oil and oily fish and these can be included in a low fat diet. It is really a question of balance. A good low fat weight loss diet can be a very healthy way to lose those extra pounds. Your doctor should be able to provide you with good advice on the
best way to choose a diet and how best to make it work for you.

Weight Loss and Metabolism

Weight Loss Advices
Weight Loss and Metabolism

How many times have you asked someone who appears to be eating large amounts of food, but maintaining the figure of an over enthusiastic long distance runner, how they mange it, only to receive the somewhat unlikely reply that it’s just their metabolism?
So what do you need to know about metabolism and how can it help you to achieve your weight loss goals?

The metabolic rate is simply the rate at which you use up energy as in calories. The higher the metabolic rate the more calories you burn, the better the weight loss. The lower the rate the fewer you burn. This can depend on a number of different factors.

Surprisingly and contrary to what appears to be basic logic, eating less can sometimes slow your diet down, or at least it can slow down the amount of weight loss. The thing is that many nutritionists believe that when you eat very small amounts of calories, the body “thinks” that there is not enough food available.

So in an afford to conserve the energy that is available it starts to slow the metabolism down, so that it can make the most use of the reserves that it has. So it is possible that far from helping your diet, that eating too little can actually slow your weight loss.

The theory is that the body will then do everything to conserve the best stores of energy that it has. This means that it is possible that the body will, instead of using up the reserves of fat and making you thinner, actually start to use the muscle tissue and burn this so that it can maintain a reserve.

Possibly one way to make sure that this does not happen is to make sure that you are eating enough food to keep you body from believing that it should go into starvation mode. But, at the same time, to control your calorific intake so that you will achieve the weight loss that is suitable for you.

There is not an answer that will suit everyone as to how many calories is enough to help with your weight loss. The best way to work out what is best for you is to visit a qualified nutritionist who will be able to tell you the most appropriate amount of calories for your dietary requirements.

Although the metabolism can slow when dieting to achieve weight loss it is believed by some that exercise can help. This may help in two ways. First the metabolic rate can be higher when exercising and so help to burn off those extra calories and help weight loss. Also exercising so that you gain more muscle can help to burn more calories as it thought that muscle burns calories more quickly
than fat.

One of the best ways to improve your metabolic rate and at the same time gain more muscle and help weight loss is to do more exercise. This can not only help to burn calories but also to add to the amount of muscle and allow the body to burn the calories more efficiently.

One Truth of Successful Weight Loss and Fitness

Weight Loss Advices
One Truth of Successful
Weight Loss and Fitness

Consistency is Key

We’ve already learned there are no shortcuts. We know that long term lifestyle changes are necessary for reaching our fitness goals. Do you know where most people fail in reaching their goals? How many businesses fail because the owners just didn’t stick it out long enough? How many people fail at achieving long term health because they stopped just a little too soon? Just about everybody.

You see the big payoffs come a little farther out than we expect. In business, the
learning curve is longer than we expect. What we think will happen in a year or two takes five. The typical business fails in less than five years, so most never really realize getting to that point of success. In fitness, what we really expect to see in eight weeks will probably come in twelve (if we are realistic). But because the typical person usually gets frustrated and quits in eight, they never see those benefits. They then assume the program doesn’t work.

A lot of the programs that satisfy this mentality are not good programs long term. They have quick short term effects which fool you into thinking they are good programs. Low carb diets, for example, can result in some immediate weight loss. However much of this is water loss and muscle loss. Long term these can have some serious health risks. Since they had some immediate results, people tend to continue to believe in them even though they don’t see those results continue long term.

You need to develop a long term benefit mentality. This mentality can be seen in
many cultures outside of our own. Many Asian cultures tend to plan business
expenditures over generations. They look at the effects of their actions many
years in the future. They are successful because of this. Think of everything you do long term. What kind of health am I going to be in one year from now, a decade from now, in my eighties?

Forget next week, it won’t be much different than this week.

Don’t use the scale too much. On a daily basis it’s not that important and can be very misleading. This will lead to failure. Use it on a monthly basis, not daily. Pay attention to other indicators more than the scale: measuring waist size; how your clothes fit; body fat analysis. These can be far better indicators than the

Set your mind to be consistent in your diet and your training.

However, the idea of never having a cheesecake again can lead to failure just as fast as having cheesecake too often. Set goals and give yourself some cheat days. That way if you really crave that piece of cheesecake, you can tell yourself you’ll have some on Sunday. I guarantee it will taste twice as good then.

I’ve avoided some pretty bad habits by putting that gratification off rather than saying I’ll never have it again. Mentally it’s much easier.

Set your goals to eat healthy and exercise six days a week. Then give yourself one day to eat junk. (You’ll probably be satisfied with less junk if you’ve been good all week). If six days is too hard make it five (or whatever you can handle) and change your goals later. Use this process and your chances of success are going to be very good.

Don’t hit it too hard at first. You’ll burn yourself out fast and you’ll never develop good habits. Ease into good habits and you’ll accept them. Developing good habits over time will ensure success; trying to change too fast will ensure failure.

When setting weight loss goals always keep this in mind: How long did it take to put that weight on? Getting it off is going to be different for different people, but it is going to be relative also to old long term habits.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

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Weight Loss Tips And Secrets
For Parent Specially

1. Make the decision and commit to weight control as a top priority

2. Understand and accept the enemy: your biology

3. Follow the seven rules of healthy eating

4. Eat well but choose right

5. Move your body

6. Plan and self-monitor daily

7. Understand and manage stress

8. Learn to deal with set backs

1. Make the decision and commit to weight control as a top priority

People resist change. When you combine this psychological resistance to change with the way your biology resists to weight loss, you have a mighty combination. If you want to succeed at maintaining weight loss over the long term, you must make a firm decision to commit to changes in how you think, eat, and move.

Weight loss cannot be at the bottom of your list of priorities. It must be a top priority to be successful. A truly dedicated commitment to the decision to lose weight and keep it off is essential.

2. Understand and accept the enemy: your biology

Many people who have had a long-term weight issue complain that it is just too hard to lose weight and maintain the loss. They might even say that this is simply because their bodies resist this healthy weight. They are right. However, accepting that indeed your body does resist weight loss and long-term maintenance does not mean you cannot fight this biological fact. Rather than lament your biology, learn everything you can about how to resist your body’s resistance. The goal is to accept the enemy, not succumb to it.

Humans were hunter-gatherers for thousands of years. Our feet were our only form of transportation. We spent many hours hunting for food, which was not always in great abundance. This meant our bodies had to hang on to fat to survive. The hunger- gatherer legacy is still with us in our sedentary fast-food society. In developed countries, we rarely go hungry or use our feet for transportation (other than from the front door to the car), but when we cut back on calories, the feast-or-famine biology kicks in and our bodies resist the loss of fat. Therefore, we must develop strategies to resist this resistance. Permanent weight loss becomes an athletic challenge.

3. Follow the seven rules of eating

Defying our biological resistance requires dedication and commitment. You are fighting your fat cells, hungry beasts who demand being fed. The daily food choices you make can help you control their demands and lose weight.

The seven things that have the most impact on your hunger and weight are:

-Eat Very Little Fat – Go as Low as You Can Go (<20 g per day)
-Control Sugar Consumption
-Eat Lean Sources of Protein, Emphasizing Plant Proteins
-Consume Low-Density Foods (e.g., soups, vegetables)
-Eat Fiber-Rich Foods (at least 30 g per day)
-Eat Your Calories – Don’t Drink Them
-Stay Calorie Conscious

Rule 1: Eat Very Little Fat

Your body is a very efficient machine when it comes to storing fat in the body. If you eat high-fat foods, you make this an even more efficient process. Your body only needs to expend 3 calories of energy to turn 100 calories of very high fat food into body fat. This means 97 of the 100 calories end up in your fat cells. However, your body expends about 23 calories to turn 100 calories of a carbohydrate into fat. By eating high-fat foods you make a tough situation tougher: you are making it very easy for those hungry fat cells to store more fat. This process of storing fat is even more efficient in overweight people than in people who have never been overweight.

The transition to a low-fat diet might seem very difficult at first, but successful weight controllers report that after they become acclimated to the new lower-fat diet, they find that high-fat foods taste greasy and overly rich. Successful weight controllers experiment with various spices, salsa, and fat-free condiments to make their low-fat choices flavorful and delicious.

Successful long-term weight control can only be achieved if you refuse to feed your fat cells the exact thing they want: more fat. You will only need 3-5 grams of fat a day to maintain nutritional health.

Rule 2: Control Sugar Consumption

We love sugar. The sweet taste of cakes, cookies, and ice cream has become intimately associated with the celebrations of life, from holidays to birthdays to weddings. Just as our biology explains the resistance to fat loss, it explains our infatuation with sugar.

As hunter-gatherers we instinctively knew (or learned through experience) that
sweetness equaled safe-to-eat. If a berry tasted bitter or sour, it was more likely to be poisonous. You could say that having a “sweet tooth” was a biological necessity for survival. This biological set-up goes even further: once the hunter gatherer found a sweet food, the body encouraged them to eat large quantities of it. In a feast-or-famine environment, it would be very important to eat as much as you could of a safe food because you could not be sure when you would find your next meal.

We also have all experienced that quick burst of energy you get after eaten sugar-laden
foods. Sugar is composed of glucose, which is also the chemical that is the primary source of energy in your body. Studies show that when humans or animals are starving, they prefer sweet foods. You may have noticed that when you are extremely hungry you gravitate toward the “quick fix” of a cookie or other sugary food.

These biological processes create a vicious circle: you get very hungry and grab sugary foods; the sugary foods trigger biochemical reactions that increase your hunger and encourage you to indulge more.

Studies on the impact of sugar on energy levels have shown that this effect drops off soon after eating sugar-laden foods. However, the increased energy that comes after a
brisk walk can be sustained for much longer. Sugar consumption also stimulates the release of serotonin, a natural tranquilizer. You may have noticed that about an hour after eating drinks or foods with a large amount of sugar that you feel lethargic. This often triggers another round of eating more sugar-laden foods.

Because sugary foods have become so associated with holidays and other
celebrations, it can be very difficult to break this habit. However, if you realize that you are defeating your enemy by not eating these foods, you can find alternatives such as fruit and low-sugar crackers to ward off cravings for sugary foods.

Rule 3: Eat Lean Sources of Protein

Proteins are the building blocks of life and they are an essential part of your diet. You have probably read many conflicting stories about the value of protein in a weight-loss program, with recommendations ranging from 40 g to as many as 120 grams a day. Before deciding on the right amount of protein, it is important to understand the role it plays in your body.

Successful long-term weight controllers should eat relatively high levels of proteins for a number of reasons. Protein stimulates the release of the digestive hormone CCK, which in turn stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that make you feel satisfied and full.

Proteins stabilize your blood glucose levels, which also regulates feelings of hunger. The complexity of protein molecules translates into slower digestion. This means your blood glucose levels remain more stable and you are less likely to feel hunger for a longer period of time. Proteins make you feel more satisfied than carbohydrates. It is important to spread your protein intake over the whole day, beginning with breakfast. Choose lean proteins that are low in fat for the most effective weight loss.

i suggest 70-100 grams of protein spread over the day. Good choices are egg
substitutes (egg whites), buffalo steak (a low-fat alternative to beef), skim milk, fat-free yogurt, Special K cereal (11 g of protein), fat-free cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, or Boca burgers.

Rule 4: Consume Low-Density Foods

Low-density foods are foods where you get a lot of food for relatively fewer calories. Examples of low-density foods are soups (you consume lots of liquid), vegetables, fruits, and very low-fat foods.

High-density foods include chocolate, pastries, and cheeses: a small serving size
equals a lot of calories.

Soups can be great appetite-reduces for weight controllers. Studies have shown that adding more fluid to the diet (but not more calories) reduces overall caloric intake. One study that included around 1,800 participants showed that those who consumed more soup had better weight loss results.

A great book on low-density eating is Volumetrics by Dr. Barbara Rolls. Dr. Rolls
compared weight-loss results for diners who ate more low-density foods such as salads with low-fat dressing with those of diners who ate low-fat, yet high-density foods such as pretzels and baked chips. She found that those who ate the low-density foods lost 50% more weight.

You can figure out the density of a food by dividing the calories of one serving by the weight of that serving in grams. A 100-calorie food that weight 6 ounces will be twice as high in density as a 100-calorie food that weighs 3 ounces. The goal is to include more foods with a density of less than 1, such as most fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Foods with densities greater than 2 tend to be high in fat, such as fried foods and high-fat meats.

Rule 5: Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber is one of the best tools in your arsenal. Fiber not only makes you feel full, it has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Very few Americans eat enough fiber. In fact, most eat less than half the recommended amount of fiber in a given day. Countries where people consume a lot of fiber have significantly lower rates of obesity.

Fiber does not sound like a very appetizing food choice – instead of thinking about the fiber, think about the foods that have lots of it: fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Many high-fiber foods are also low-density foods, so by choosing these high-fiber choices you are keeping two rules with one food.

There are many simple changes you can make to increase your fiber consumption. Instead of turkey on white bread have turkey on whole grain bread and add lettuce, tomatoes, and a slice of cucumber. The vegetables add very few calories and the bread won’t change the calories at all, yet you have just added about 6 grams of fiber to your meal, one-fifth of the daily minimum requirement of 30 grams.

You can increase your fiber intake by choosing whole grain breads instead of white breads, brown rice instead of white rice, and whole fruits instead of juices. To meet your daily fiber requirement you will need to add quite a few vegetables to your diet. You will find these foods keep you feeling satisfied and full throughout the day, greatly increasing your chances of success as a long-term weight controller.

Rule 6: Eat Your Calories – Don’t Drink Them

High-calorie drinks such as sodas, fruit juices, and sports drinks can quickly undermine your weight loss, especially if you guzzle such drinks to quench your thirst. You can easily add more than 500 calories to your daily diet by drinking one soda, a fruit juice, and a frozen coffee drink. For some reason, many people simply don’t bother to count the calories in drinks. In recent years, juice bars have become very popular. Many fruit smoothies contain more than 300 calories and over 50 grams of sugar.

It is particularly important that children be taught to eat their calories. Children are constantly bombarded with advertising that encourages them to drink sugar-filled juice drinks and sodas. A Harvard study showed that for every additional sugared drink a child consumed their risk for developing obesity increased by a stunning 60%. Most fruit drinks contain very little actual fruit juice, and even those that are 100% fruit juice contain almost no fiber.

The only exception to this rule is skim milk. Skim milk contains protein and calcium, and some research has shown that dairy products may help you lose weight.

Rule 7: Stay Calorie Conscious

Even if you follow the first six rules, successful weight control also depends on how many calories you take in and how many you expend. This is simply a natural law: to lose weight you must use more energy than you consume. To maintain a weight you must have an even balance between the two.

If you implement the first six rules and find you are losing weight, you have found the right balance. If you are not losing weight, you will need to either cut back on your food intake or increase your activity.

One general rule of thumb that will help you regulate your daily caloric intake is to limit your largest meal of the day to 800 calories. Most men eat more than 2500 calories a day, and most women now eat more than 1900 calories a day. To be a serious weight controller, you will need to eat far fewer calories.

4. Eat Well but Choose Right

Many overweight people find themselves so enamored with certain foods that they cannot imagine no longer eating them. They will say they “crave” chocolate or “love” ice cream. Because many of the most calorie-dense foods are associated with happy events, such as parties, birthdays, and holidays, we have made associations that equate cookies, cakes, and ice cream with love, happiness, friendship, and family. Some foods even have a tranquilizing effect on us, calming us when we feel angry, stressed, or upset. However, that calming effect is short-lived, but the effect on our weight continues long after period of indulgences.

It is okay to feel so passionate about food, its flavors and textures, but to be a
successful weight controller, you will need to transfer that passion to healthier choices. The worst thing you can do is start eating boiled chicken breast and romaine lettuce with a splash of vinegar for meals. How long do you think you could sustain such a diet? Most people will not last a week.

The first thing you will need to do is understand what qualities in food appeal to you.
There are four aspects to food that determine how much you love that food: taste,
appearance, smell, and texture. Some people like creamy and sweet, some likely
crunchy and salty. Most overweight people know which foods they tend to gravitate
toward (and which ones tend to throw any diet plan into a tail spin).

As a weight controller you will want to emphasize the characteristics that please you.


Some like it hot and spicy, some like it sweet! The four main taste groups are salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. When you eat, focus on the flavors of you food. There are many low-fat condiments that can make food taste more like the flavors you prefer. In most grocery stores you will see bottle after bottle of seasonings and flavor enhancers, from spice combinations to Worcestershire sauce. Of course, you should read the labels before you buy to make sure they are fat free.


We are attracted to foods that look appealing. If you have ever eaten in a five-star
restaurant, you know that they pay as much attention to the presentation of the meal as they do the taste of the meal. Why not serve your meal so it looks like it came out of the kitchen of a top-notch restaurant?

You can also make the eating experience more pleasurable by setting the table with nice plates and silverware. Maybe even add some candles or put a bowl of healthy fruits in the middle of the table to make the setting more appealing. Make every meal a pleasant, appealing sight and you will feel more satisfied.


Sometimes we are so anxious to dive into a meal that we forget to savor the smells of that freshly grilled chicken or fish. Savor the smells of you food before you begin eating.


Pay attention to how the food feels in your mouth when you eat it: the creamy texture of nonfat yogurt, the crunchy fresh snap of a carrot stick.

The goal is to focus on the characteristics of food that appeal to you and recognize that many of the factors that appealed to you when you were eating high-fat, densely caloric foods are also present in the healthy, low-fat choices.

You will also discover some new foods that can become healthy substitutes for choices from your overweight past. Sweet potatoes are often cited as one of the best new healthy choices: they have certain sweetness, a creamy texture, and evoke memories of the holidays. Sweet potatoes have great nutritional value and are very filling.

It is okay to love foods – you just want to make sure you choose foods that will love you back!

5. Move Your Body

Remember our discussion earlier about hunter-gatherers and how this biological legacy sets us up to store fat? This biological legacy also sets up to gain weight if we do not move our bodies. Without physical activity our muscles strength begins to diminish. Less muscle means less efficient burning of calories. Less efficient burning of calories means we are prone, once again, to storing fat. We put energy in our bodies in the form of calories, and we expend it through activity.

Many people believe they understand the relationship between activity and weight, but in fact, there are quite a few common misconceptions. People believe it takes a lot of exercise to burn calories, but even moderate exercise on a daily basis burns calories. At Academy of the Sierras, the first residential treatment program for obese teens,

students wear a pedometer and have a goal of at least 10,000 steps a day. Many of the students feel overwhelmed by the goal at first, but within time many are finding they can easily reach 15,000 steps and even much more throughout the day.

Small changes in your activity can add to your fat-burning ability, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking a little farther away at the mall can add to your fat-burning potential throughout the day. You burn approximate the same number of calories walking three miles as you do running three miles, so you don’t have to become a marathon runner to see results through activity.

Many people believe exercise increases their appetite. While this might be true if you are exercising at the level of an athlete, moderate exercise can actually decrease appetite.

One of the great benefits of daily exercise is that your metabolic rate remains high and your body expends more energy all day. The benefits of exercise are not limited to the time when you are actually walking, swimming, or playing tennis.

Exercise helps weight controllers stay on track not only by increasing weight loss, but also by improving stress management, quality of sleep, digestion, self-esteem,
resistance to illness, agility, appetite control, and muscle tone. Exercise really is the only miracle pill for weight loss!

Weight controllers will achieve the best overall results if they integrate some form of exercise into their daily schedule. It is also easier to stick with an exercise plan if you make it a natural part of every day. To help you stick to a daily exercise plan, choose something that is convenient, appealing, and has some social aspects. For many people, walking is the most convenient way to get in daily activity. If you have nice parks or interesting neighborhood streets nearby the only thing you have to do is put on your sneakers and open the front door to get to your workout. If you can find a walking partner who will commit to joining you every day, you will find you don’t want to let this person down, and will have fewer excuses for not showing up. If you decide to walk alone, listen to music. Research has shown that people walk more vigorously when listening to music.

If you find walking boring, but love dance, consider joining a dance aerobics class. If you enjoy swimming, find a local YMCA as prices are generally reasonable. If you do decide to join a gym, it is a good idea to join one as close to home as possible. Long commutes to the gym may means lots of excuses about actually going.

You don’t need to wear yourself exercising. Your intensity level should allow you to complete a full 30 minutes of the activity. However, if you find that you have difficultly sustaining any sort of activity for 30 minutes, divide your exercise into two 15-minute sessions. You have probably heard that you need to maintain your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes to burn calories. However, once you begin exercising, you begin using calories. The difference is that at the beginning of exercise your body burns glucose, but after an extended time, you begin burning fat. However, as your body works to replenish glucose, it will always need to dip into the energy reserves of fat.
This means you can burn fat whether you exercise for one 30-minute session or two 15-minutes sessions.

It is important when you begin an exercise regimen that you not overdo it at first and risk injuring yourself. Start at a pace you can handle, then add a few minutes each day. Always stretch and warm up before you begin exercising, and be sure to stretch during the cool down period as well.

6. Plan and Self-Monitor Daily

We’ve all heard the rule about never grocery shopping while you are hungry. Unplanned things seem to pop into the shopping cart. Not planning what you will eat throughout the day or week is like going grocery shopping when you are hungry.

Planning in advance your meals and snacks will help you avoid situations where you are very hungry and unprepared – sudden hunger ‘emergencies’ can result in impulsive drive-through visits or eating whatever is available so quickly you forget to count it as part of your daily intake.

Planning is the first step in the most important part of any successful weight control plan: self-monitoring. Study after study has shown it: weight controllers who write down what they eat and when they exercise are the most successful in losing and maintaining weight. Those who self-monitor generally lose more weight, have fewer set backs, maintain weight for longer periods of time, and maintain weight during highly stressful
periods when food temptations abound, such as holiday gatherings.

Weight controllers who keep a written record of their daily eating and exercise tend to feel more committed to real changes in their lifestyle. The written record allows you to understand where you might need to improve your diet. It also allows you to set goals and meet them, which promotes self-esteem as you celebrate successful milestones. Imagine watching your exercise record go from 5000 steps a day to 15000 steps a day!
When you look back at how tough those 5000 steps used to be, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment that you are now easily doing three times as many steps.

7. Understand and Manage Stress

Most people who struggle with their weight certainly understand the role that stress plays in their patterns of eating. The goal of any serious weight controller is to learn how to deal with stress in new ways and to make sure that if you do overeat when under stress you do not choose foods that will put you back in a weight-gain spiral.

Dr. Dan Kirschenbaum Clinical Director of Health Living Academies,suggests that if you do deviate from your food plan, you deviate QUANTITATIVELY and not QUALITATIVELY. This means you continue to choose healthy, nutritious foods rather than start going “back” to high-fat, calorie-dense foods such as pizza, cookies, and other foods that tend to lead to long-term binges.

8. Learn to Deal with Set Backs

Weight loss and long-term weight management rarely happens in a linear fashion. Every weight controller will struggle with temptation, old habits, and times when the scale won’t seem to budge. It is important that you set realistic goals as well as workable plans for those “rough” days. For example, if you eat the wrong foods or too many foods one day, you have a plan to write down every extra calorie and then figure out how you will work that off with exercise the next day.