Tired of the Endless Loop of
Yo-Yo Diets? Here is Why
Your Last Diet Didn’t Work
"Strip That Fat and End The Vicious Cycle Once and For All"
Hey there frustrated dieter!
If you are like most, you are getting tired of endless dieting regimes with little or no results. The average person spends a great deal of time and money dieting throughout their lives, but for what? MOST DIETS SIMPLY DO NOT WORK!
This is not fair to you! You deserve to lose weight and we are about to reveal a diet that will lead you to the body, health, and happiness that you have be looking for.
You deserve to strip any unwanted fat from your body and look and feel the way you have always wanted. The name of our system is Strip That Fat, because that is exactly what happens when you use it. You can strip any unwanted fat from your body which will actually help your body and organs function better. It will also help you regain the healthy glow and that happiness back into your life. Less fat will give you more energy, a more clear mind, and actually increase happiness!
Before we go any further, we want to let you know that our goal is NOT to belittle you, rather guide and support your weight loss. If we get a little harsh along the way, please understand that your health is in our best interest. Sometimes it takes the harsh truth and the “facts” to get this through.
We want to help you. The reason Strip That Fat is the top dieting programs available online is because we are actually helping people like yourself lose weight. Fair enough?
Alright, let’s go…
Dieting Myth’s YOU Are STILL Falling For…
There are so many dieting myths and even more programs out there that give you inaccurate information on how to lose weight.
Eating Low Carbs
You have probably tried low-carb, Atkins-style diets, or at least heard of them. These diets do not work. They are much too strict, not sustainable, and make your life miserable as your body does not function properly without carbs causing headaches, irritability and loss of sleep. Low carb diets will actually cause you to gain weight after the initial weight loss.
Low Fat Diets
You know all these so called “low fat” foods that are sold in your local supermarket? These foods are typically calorie ridden and will actually make you gain more weight! This is just one of the fallacies that we will uncover for you! Low fat foods DO NOT equal weight loss.
Starvation Diet
Your Body requires food to function. Losing weight the wrong way by not eating is actually worse for you than gaining weight. If you think that following diets that tell you to eat very little, drink only liquids, or something else that seems “crazy”, don’t do it. It will affect the way your brain functions and slow your metabolism down to a GRINDING HALT! You CANNOT lose weight and stay healthy by starving yourself of nutrition.
Following Pre-package Diet Programs
These foods are worse for you than foods you can make from your own home. Not only that, pre-packaged food diets (like Jenny Craig) can cost you up to $500 per month to maintain! That is more than most families spend on groceries in an entire month. How does this make sense?
Hollywood Diets
The only diet that seems popular in Hollywood is the one where the actors and actresses forget to eat. There are also the ridiculous “cookie” diets, secret potion “syrup and water’ diets... Let’s get real, these people are not like us and they do not need the nutrition that a normal person needs to maintain a healthy weight.
So, if all of these diets don't work, what does it take to strip unwanted fat from your body?
...And Why the Heck Are YOU Still Overweight?
Do YOU eat the wrong foods?
Do YOU sneak into McDonalds for a late night meal?
Do YOU eat during the wrong times of the day?
Do YOU eat empty calories while watching your favorite TV Show?
How about exercise, do YOU forget to walk your dog?
Notice that 4 of the items were related to food and only one was exercise. This is because diet is 80% of the battle, and exercise is only 20%. Most overweight people get enough exercise, but what they “eat” prevents them from getting that fit, healthy waistline!
The food you eat will either make you lose weight or gain weight. Conventional wisdom has always told us to eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, however there is more to it than this…and actually eating 3 big meals per day is not good for our body.
What if we told you that you could burn more calories and have a better metabolism simply by eating more often? How do 5 meals a day sound?
Well, this is the truth. If you eat smaller meals and eat the right foods, you can actually eat more and lose more weight! Sounds strange, but our bodies are very complex and if you understand your body, you can truly manipulate your metabolism for speedy and sustainable weight loss!
Are You Tired of Battling With Those Troublesome, Impossible-to-Get-Rid-Of FATS?
Fat loves to make its home in the worst possible places on your body. No one ever asked for fat to be stored in the gut, hips, lower back, or thighs!
The fortunate thing for you is that weight loss is possible in all of these areas. In fact, did you know that it is possible to lose up to 2lbs of fat every week? We're not talking about only 2 pounds when you step on the scale, we're talking about 100% FAT, and 2 pounds of it!
We don’t want to disgust you, but this is a real picture of what 2lbs of fat looks like. Wouldn’t it be nice to remove these yellow fat deposits from around your body?
There is a simple math equation we outline within the Strip That Fat guide that shows you how to drop this amount of weight (and ANYONE can do it).
So, get ready to send that stomach, thigh, hip fat & cellulite packing, because this fat will be moving out when you start with the STF Weight Loss package!
The World Has Become SICKLY Obese & at the Fastest Pace Ever!
You may not be obese, but you are likely part of the overweight category. 70% of the entire country of the United States of America is overweight…this is over 210,000,000 people (Yes, 210 Million). The rest of the world is fairly close, coming in at around 60% of people being overweight.
This number is only continuing to grow as people are not just eating more, but eating more of the wrong foods. People also are not exercising. When exercise is done, the wrong muscles are worked rather than targeting the muscles that will boost the bodies metabolism and literally strip away fat and cellulite.
Did you know that you can actually lose more weight simply by eating the right metabolism burning foods? There are even certain exercises that will make your body burn more calories while you are resting (and even sleeping)!
This is all possible and is just a few of the things we teach within Strip That Fat!
So, if this many people are overweight in the world, why isn’t everyone at least trying to lose weight?
Well, that is the problem. You, like most people have tried one, two (or maybe even more) diets before. Most diets simply do not work because they are burst diets. They help you lose a few pounds in a couple of weeks…and then BAM, the weight comes back on.
Most of the weight you lose on “burst” diets like this is water weight. Water is easily removed and easily reintroduced to the body…and you can fluctuate 10lbs in a couple of weeks just by losing some water weight! This is not sustainable and this is why the Strip That Fat system makes more sense. It is long term, helps you lose fat (instead of water) and is sustainable.
Here is a chart comparing weight loss achievements between “burst” diets and the Strip That Fat diet.

Most diets actually make you gain weight after your initial weight loss. These diets cannot be done over the course of several months like Strip That Fat and do not lead to nearly the same amount of weight loss.
With the Strip That Fat diet you can lose up to 2lbs of PURE FAT every week and you will be provided with solutions for both short term and long term weight loss!
Your Strip That Fat Body 2 Weeks From Now…
Two weeks isn’t much time at all, we know this, but you can experience big results in a short time with the STF Diet Generator. This creates diets on the fly and allows over 40,000 different diet combinations that you can choose from. You only have to eat the foods you like and you are not restricted as to how much you eat (like most diets).
Two weeks from now you can lose inches around your waist, look and feel better and drop up to 10lbs in overall weight. You will regain some of that glow and feel much more confident just after a couple short weeks.
2 Weeks from Today = The Start of a New YOU
Your Strip That Fat Body 1 Year From Now…
The sky is the limit. You will have learned all the weight loss secrets you need to know to enjoy long term and consistent weight loss. One year from now you will have lost a substantial amount of weight (50+ pounds) and achieved some goals that you never thought possible.
Can you imagine yourself at your ideal weight just a short year from now? It is possible as you will have access to all the dieting & exercise knowledge you need to know, including a Diet Generator that can be used over and over.
1 Year from Today = A New YOU
A few important things that you need to know about today’s date!
- If you do not start this moment, you will continue gaining weight.
- Today you will start losing weight…starting with your very next meal!
- Today marks the day where you kiss fat goodbye and you say “HELLO” to a healthy new body and lifestyle
- Today you will start stripping fat away from all the troublesome areas of your body. No more tummy fat, back fat, thigh fat or hip fat!
- Today is the day you stop lying to your body and giving it a false sense of hope with your fad diets. It is time to use a diet that actually works and treat your body the way it has always wanted to be treated.
Losing weight has never been more possible. It is in your hands now, so do yourself a favor, join Strip That Fat and start losing those stubborn pounds right away.
Losing Weight Can be Fun!
WE have invented a revolutionary new diet system and eating program that will make you lose weight WITHOUT restricting your diet to “low fat” or “low carb” foods, rather eating the right calories.
You actually get to eat more and lose more with Strip that Fat!
You need to exercise, but most of you do enough exercise already to be losing weight, you just have not been told about the proper techniques (which we release in full details within this system).
Another cool thing is that we are going to teach you which exercise you can do to actually increase your metabolism, and increase the calories you burn while you are resting!
What if it was finally possible to notice results within the next 7 days!
That’s right, 7 days from now you will have lost inches and have started down your path to losing weight.
And, 14 days from now, you will look and feel different. Strip that Fat is going to shed pounds like no other diet you have been apart of or associated with.
This diet is going to allow you to start seeing results in mere days.
We are tired of people coming to us saying that they have tried this diet and that diet only to gain every pound, inch and unhealthy lifestyle back into their life. It DOES NOT HAVE TO be this way.
With the Strip That Fat revolutionary diet system, we are going to show you some things that may truly surprise you and some things that the big money dieting companies probably don’t want us to release (just because we are telling people the truth).
We Are Going to Show You:
- Why Eating Fat is actually good for you
- Exactly Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work
- What to Eat and When to Eat for Maximum Weight Loss
- How to Manipulate and Control Your Body to Become a Weight Loss Machine
- How You Can Eat More and Lose More
- How to Trick Your Body Into Being “Full”
- Why We Recommend You Add Breakfast Back to Your Diet
- How to Lose Weight While Eating Out
- The “Secrets” About Water
- 4 Things That Will Help You Propel Your Weight Loss
- Proper Portion Control
- How to Teach Your Body to Burn More Calories
- A Muscle That You Can Build to Blast Weight Loss
- Why You Shouldn’t Eat Salad
- How to Train Your Mind For Long Term Weight Loss
- How to Drop Inches in the Next 7 Days
- How to Drop 14lbs in 14 Days
- Simple Steps to Removing Your Marshmallow Shape
- The Evil 10 – 10 Foods You Need to “Dump”
- The Power 10 – 10 Foods You Need to “Love”
- Why “Biggest Loser’s” Lose Massive Amounts of Weight
You can lose weight, and the whole reason why are you on this site, is because you know you want to lose weight! You want to be slimmer, have a thinner waistline, and remove the extra fat deposits in your stomach. You want to feel and look better and live a healthier lifestyle don’t you?
That is where we come in with our helping hand, Strip That Fat dieting system, and our acclaimed Diet Generator.
A complete dummy could take what we show you and click a few buttons in our STF Diet Generator and lose weight. We are not calling you a dummy, just telling you that ANYONE can use this system to shed pounds, and shed these “cheeky” pounds for good.
Strip That Fat is going to let you in on the dieting techniques that work, and tell you to avoid dieting techniques that are both unhealthy and counterproductive. These are things that you really need to know if you want to lose weight!
Yes, we all do it! People put dieting off. It is way too easy to wait until next week or tomorrow to start your diet. Don’t fall into this trap!
Don’t put things off. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start dieting. Don’t wait for it to get sunny outside or for a wedding invite to start losing weight. Don’t even wait 'tll later tonight to start (after you scarf down that Pizza!) Right NOW is just as good of a time as any and you could be starting this as quickly as your next snack or meal!
So here is exactly what you will get when you sign-up. You will get full access to the following systems:
 | (1) Strip That Fat Secret Dieting Guide This guide downloads instantly to your computer. It contains all the information and dieting strategies you will ever need to lose as much weight as you want…and keep it off. This is the considered the “flagship” of the Strip That Fat program. |
 | (2) STF Diet Generator You choose the foods that you want to eat, plug it into the system and your diet will be created for you. This tool includes both a printable shopping list and a printable diet outline. You can create as many “completely unique” diets as you want with this amazing software! |
 | (3) Future Updates We improve and add new features to our diet and Diet Generator software all the time. We also offer bonuses (for those of you that like free gifts) every once in awhile as well. You get access to package updates when you purchase the Strip That Fat System! |
So here is the deal, if you sign-up today we are going to give you a rockin’ deal!. We are going to give you 52% off our original price (usually $99), just because we think you deserve to finally lose the weight that you have always wanted to. The more people we can help, the better! We have two options for you to choose from. You can either get our gold package which is really awesome as we have outlined below, or you can select our platinum package which includes a lot more for just a few extra bucks. |  |